Saturday, August 31, 2019

Clothing and Uniforms School Uniforms Essay

School uniforms are a set of standardized clothes worn primarily for an educational purpose. Uniforms can range from formal to informal. The most popular uniforms include khakis and polo shirts of varying colors. Wearing school uniforms can reduce issues related to students wearing inappropriate clothing. Students are less likely to be ridiculed by others due to the kind of clothes they wear. Uniforms are cost effective and are less expensive than street clothes and wearing uniforms are a positive way to bridge the gap between social classes. We live in a society where appearance is everything which makes kids feel pressured to fit in and dress a certain way. Money plays a big part in the clothing students wear. Not all styles are affordable to everyone. Some students are criticized because they cannot afford the â€Å"name brand† clothes. This makes parents feel pressured to purchase the popular and more expensive clothing just so there kids â€Å"fit in. † Some students may even feel the need to steal to get the â€Å"in† clothes. The average cost of a year’s worth of school uniforms is approximately $200 which is a lot less than name brand clothing. Uniforms can help reduce peer bullying and criticism, since all students are wearing the same thing. It also reduces stress and conflict to look a certain way. The great thing about uniforms are they can be worn for more than one year (if they still fit), making them even more cost effective and less expensive than regular clothes. There are many styles of clothes, some that are appropriate to wear to school and others that are not. Students are influenced by the clothing styles they see on television as well as the styles worn by their mentors and idols. Violence and stereo-typing are big concerns for schools. Clothes play a factor in what people who are part of a gang wear. These gang members wear specific clothing to identify themselves and express their power as well as separate them from other gangs. Uniforms could help cut-down the growth rate of these gangs as they would be harder to recognize which could lead to less interest in them. Generally, uniforms are navy or white shirts and navy or khaki pants. These are pretty neutral colors that are not distracting. More than likely, they are colors a lot of students would where anyway. A lot of the popular styles are navy and khaki, which make uniforms more stylish. Many people think wearing uniforms are uncomfortable and boring. However, uniforms actually unite the school as a whole and promote a team atmosphere. Placing less emphasis on clothes will only increase the entire academic outcome. Wearing school uniforms can benefit students academically, financially, and socially. A person should not be defined by their clothes but by who they are as an individual. I think it would benefit all schools to have a school uniform.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Homeschooling should replace normal schooling

Homeschooling should replace normal schooling for the betterment of students in Hong Kong. Homeschooling refers to the education of children at home, typically by parents or tutors, unlike the formal settings of schools. In many countries around the world, children are not legally obligated to attend school. In England, France, Canada, the United States and Australia, it is perfectly legal for parents to educate their kids at home. Homeschooling is becoming more popular every day, with a growth rate of 7 to 15 percent per year over the world. There are about two million children currently earning at home in the world.Homeschooled kids do well on standardized tests, are welcome at college and universities, and as adults, have a reputation for being self- directed learners and reliable employees. This essay is going to examine whether homeschooling should replace normal schooling for the betterment of students in Hong Kong. Homeschooling makes children miss the golden opportunity to pr actice their social skills. School is the miniature of society. One needs to have not only knowledge of the world, but also interpersonal communication skills in order to survive, not to mention excel in a society.If a child is taught at home solely by his/ her parents, the child misses the chance to meet and interact with other kids. Peer learning has vital benefits as well. By communicating with friends, students can improve their interpersonal skills. Homeschooled children cannot take part in extra-curricular activities like debate, choir and team sports. As interactive learning is such an important component in modern education, homeschooling deprives children of their chance to develop their social skills and network, and even friends. Furthermore, home is not the most suitable environment for learning which lower he effectiveness of learning.Home cannot provide many different hardware which can only be provided by day schools. For instance, the different kinds of experiments m ust be conducted in a safety equipped and qualified laboratory . The many apparatus like Bunsen Burner, funnel and beaker can only be found in a laboratory. Home can never provide such hardware to support the diverse learning needs of children . The equipment of language labs, music room and library only appear in a school setting. Besides, there are too many temptations at home, such as television nd computer games, which would prevent children from concentrating on learning.Homeschooling undermines the development of creative thinking. Parents-to- children teaching is atter all the indoctrination ot parents thinking and values system to their children. In Hong Kong, most parents are very concerned about their children and hope them have a bright future. Therefore, they may try to give what they think is the best to the children. It is common that parents force their children to have piano lesson, choir practice, drawing class and so on in Hong Kong. Parents tend to orcefully spoon feed what they want their children to know.In many cases, children cannot develop multiple thinking perspectives. They Just do what their parents ask them to do. Their creativity and critical thinking, which are highly-valued in today's competitive world, can hardly be formed. On the other hand, it is not suitable to implement home-schooling in Hong Kong. Most parents have full time Job. They do not have time to teach their children. Moreover, parents are not professional in teaching when compared to trained teachers. They may not know how to teach their children effectively. Also, it is impossible for parents to know all knowledge of different subjects.In school, teachers are specialize in few subjects and they can concentrate on those subjects to prepare teaching materials. According to Bill and Ana Moody, who homeschool their children, they admitted that it is hard to teach science topics properly at home. They do not have sufficient knowledge of science and science requires to do experiments. Homeschooling brings another problem: how to assess the ability of students? Hong Kong is a knowledge-based society, it is important to have certificates to prove ne's academic Usually, one will get a Job easily with higher education level.Different jobs have different required education levels. If homeschooling is implemented, there is no standard to assess students unless all students Join public examinations offered by authorized organization and the Education Bureau. Homeschooling does not provide a standard to assess whether students has understand the knowledge fully. As every parents and tutors may have design a different curriculum for students, there is no standard of what basic knowledge that students should learn.Some people argued that a unified education system simply cannot cater for the individual needs of each and every student and, therefore, homeschooling is a better way for children to learn as it is more flexible which can cater individual's needs . It can provide a tailor-made learning schedule which can cater learning speed of the children and specific requirements by those who best understand them: their parents. It may allow students a more flexible combination of subjects which cater for individual needs. This would arouse interest in study, giving students the initiative to learn.However, small class teaching , which is quite popular in Hong Kong, can also cater the needs of different children. Due to the decreasing birth rate, schools started to implement small-class teaching and has smaller teacher-to student ratio. This allows teachers to pay more attention to each student in class. Flexible combination of subjects can also be achieved by new curriculum. In the past, usually students were divided into art, science and commerce classes and they were only allowed to choose subjects which are related to each other. Now, students under the new curriculum are allowed to choose subjects freely.For example, student can choo se to study Biology, a science subject, and grapny, an art subject. Some also claimed that homeschooling can enhance close family relationship. However, this may not be true. Conflicts and arguments are easily happened when parents stay with their children all the time. Parents may easily lose temper when their children are not listening to them or cannot follow their teaching schedule as they are more emotionally affected when facing their own children. Moreover, children may easily lose concentration on learning as there are too many temptations at home as mentioned before.If parents punished their children for this, the parent- child relationship would suffer. All in all, homeschooling should not replace normal schooling for the betterment of students as there are too many weaknesses of homeschooling though admitted that normal schooling has its flaws. In the current education system, students are required to study a fixed and long syllabus within a short period of time. Students study under tremendous pressure and may eventually lose interest in study. However, homeschooling neglects the social development of children which is vital in modern society.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Contemporary Globalization Essay

Are you a forerunner of the so called Contemporary Globalization or in your view point do you adhere to Global Diversity? This short paper is to review globalization developments and their impacts or consequences whether is it a threat to human dignity in terms of providing a safer work place and leisure to man and will it promotes democracy and justice for all (Johnston, Mont 2000)? Globalization began in the 70’s and reaches all the corners of the world through the creation of IMF, the World Bank and, WTO. Globalization was also brought about by the advance communication technology and collapse of communism (Johnston, Mont 2000). According to the Canadian Union Council (CUC), â€Å"globalization does not account of the right of conscience, and democracy is only hearsay. Trade fundamentalist works with corporate lawyers to develop trade rules which expressly exclude consideration of the environment and human rights in favor of return on investments, consideration on the rights of others are only taken into consideration only in extraordinary circumstances†. For this reason, the Council created seven principles of the UUs covenants to counter act or to balance the wave of globalization which is detrimental to the Unitarian way of thinking in which it firmly believes that uniqueness of every person must be reverently acknowledge preserving his culture. It is in diversity that a genuine human society is born. Globalization spread the culture of homogenous market and consumerism; it limits human choices because human values are dictated by market values. Manfred Steger further stated globalism in his book A New Market Ideology as â€Å"globalony†. Consequences or impacts of Globalization: Neoliberals or the globalist supported their claims on the following ideology: Globalization is market integration, inevitable and irreversible, none is in-charge and it would benefit everyone, and will further spread democracy. These are strategies in order to promote private interests of dominant few to be supported by the general public. These claims were carefully examined by Steger as he insisted that we need to critically understand what are globalism, ideology, and globalization which are a process of globalism. He also pointed out that it is not only enough to examine its economic outcome but its ideas and values (Walker 2003). It is a hard truth to accept that the human will are dictated by market trends which mean that human values are being replaced by market value or the limiting of our choices which is contrary to the free act of man. Corporations have extended on a global scale, 51 among top companies are run by the wealthiest 100 multinationals (Carmichael 2002). Steger asserted that it is undemocratic because the influence of the supranational bodies will decrease the ability of national governments to regulate multinational corporations. Wiwa in his audience with law students declare that â€Å"The governance are no longer for the benefit of the citizens, as it should be, but for corporate profit. Decisions reflect only what corporations want (Carmichael 2002)†. Anything that gets in their way must be removed at all costs, no wonder there could be a time that man will be replaced by robots. For man to survive, diversity is needed but regimes like the WTO has modeled globalization which resulted into a homogenous culture of consumerism. It sees that diversity is an impediment to the free trade. One example is the over-produced food that flooded the developing countries; it forces small farmers to abandon their farms to work for Nike and other corporations. Mexican farmer’s earnings have declined by 40%. Poverty radically increases while the stocks of multinationals increases. Ken Wiwa a physician and an author of the book â€Å"Dance the guns to Silenceâ€Å"was hanged in November 1995 for his crusade against globalization and today it is his brother Owen who continues by addressing a political science class at the University of Toronto about the consequence of globalization saying â€Å"You have that paradox whereby an increase in transnational corporations in the south will increase the poverty and conflict and wars in that country and Ten years from now you may be working in these corporations and governments so it is up to you to make an influence â€Å"(Carmichael 2002). Shell Corporation and the Ogoni people faced the dilemma between the clearing of its oil spills and the MOSOP Movement of the Ogoni People for Survival in the 1990s. Oil extraction in their country is to the detriment of its inhabitants. Sickness related to air and water pollution like asthma and other diseases outnumbered the hospital built in 1993. Though the company has left the premises they have not really removed their pipelines nor cleaned up and paid compensation to their workers. The company remained quiet and the military was no longer engaged but arrest started Wiwa stated (Carmichael 2002). Based on the above consequences, Steger’s touches the tenets of his argument that it is the human will and choices that must create market models and not the goods or the reverse wherein market limits suppressed human choices. His argument was based on the historical facts that man lords over the earth and that no society have emerged without knowing how to take care of its own. Society degrades or falls when only a privileged few are protected, when dominance is instilled prejudices and other sisters of greed appears. The value of human work diminishes and man begins to serve only his appetite and whims. Indeed, we must account for the gifts we received such as the talents endowed to us. There is a need of strengthening our world communities to use collective power to develop alternatives to Globalization and Corporate Rule. We must examine and challenge ourselves what is behind each ideology and must patronize products and services that are truly for the benefit of mankind. We must put our best efforts that wealth is distributed equitably and for the common good. We must learn to scrutinize the use of worldly goods and sharpen our values to preserve the world and the future of the next generation. References Mel Johnston, Alastair Mont, Philip Symons Calgary, Alberta 2000, the CUC Policy on Globalization, [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 01 February 2008 from, http://www. cuc. ca/social_responsibility/globalization. htm Teresa Walker 2003, Globalism: The New Market Ideology by Manfred Steger, [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 01 February 2008 from, http://www. logosjournal. com/walker. htm Stefanie Carmichael (2002). Owens Wiwa tackles consequences of globalization [Electronic Version]. The Manitoban. Retrieved 02, February 2008 from, http://www. themanitoban. com/2001-2002/0403/news_8. shtml

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Recommendation letter Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Recommendation letter - Coursework Example On completion of her second degree, she was promoted to the role of a pharmaceutical educator. Since then, she has proven us right through her excellent skills in training facilitations and her competence in academic skills. Currently, as a pharmaceutical educator, she educates cardiac patients on the antiplatelet therapy. She is also a good team player and was able to effectively communicate with patients, their families and her colleagues leading to great success in the cardiac patients’ therapy and treatment outcomes during the period. Apart from educating patients and families on antiplatelet therapy, she has also been facilitating the acquisition of the drugs needed for treatment. From my observation, she truly has an interest in the field of medicine and has a heart for the patients. Her previous competency indicates that she can achieve tremendous success for the institution once she is offered the new position. I therefore recommend her for the position of without any reservation. With much enthusiasm; I positively look forward to your favorable consideration of her

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

African Geography and Growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

African Geography and Growth - Essay Example The geography of Africa has to a large extent shaped the kind of economic opportunities available for the African countries and, thus, impacted on the economic development of the continent in general. The interaction between human and physical geography within the framework of economic development has been a major factor which is shaping the direction and rate of Africa’s economic development. This essay gives a critical analysis and discussion of the importance of geography in the economic growth of Africa, including the tragic economic challenges that the continent is experiencing. The essay also presents a discussion of the policies which would have to be put in place to safe Africa from the challenges it is facing which are hampering its growth. Africa’s physical geography, such as climate, has been described as the causes of its minimal economic growth. However, Collier (2007, p. 6) argues that there are geographic factors which act to divide Africa instead of unif ying it. These are said to be the most significant factors which are derailing the economic growth of the continent. To begin with, Africa is an expansive continent. Regardless of this, the nations within the continent and its economic regions are characterized by low income. This is explained by the fact that the natural resources within Africa are not evenly distributed. Some regions have an abundance of natural resources while in some regions of the continent, the resources are very scarce. This has contributed to the uneven economic growth within the continent with most of the continent’s regions registering minimal growth as compare to other parts of the world, such as Asia and Europe, as illustrated in figure 1 below. Figure 1: Comparative Per Capita Growth The physical geography of Africa is very enormous. Bloom and Sachs (1998, p. 207) point out that even if Africa is a large continent, it has been divided into many countries. For this reason, most of the countries wi thin the continent are landlocked. The divisions of countries within Africa have a result caused nations to be divided into those landlocked states which are rich in resources and those which have scarce resources. Moreover, some countries are coastal and rich in resources while others are costal but lack adequate resources. These four categories define the economies of Africa in terms of its physical geography. Those states which have scarcity of resources whether coastal or landlocked are lagging behind in the economic development. Because these two categories of nations are the majority within the continent, Africa’s growth in generally slow as compared to other regions. The landlocked states within Africa lack competitiveness in export and import trade. Lack of competitiveness has also affected the coastal countries. Naude (2004, p. 821) explains that the differences between the resource rich African states are not significant. This is the case whether the resource rich s tates are landlocked or coastal. It is because of the divisions within African states that the competitiveness in the export and import business has been derailed and thus making the content to have a tragic growth level within its economy. However, costal states in Africa participate in export trade but the landlocked countries are prevented from economic interaction with the world markets. The distribution of the African population is even unlike other developing regions such as Asia in which a majority of the population lives within the costal countries. Even though the trend of economic growth in Africa is generally parallel to that of the global economy, Africa

Measuring performance of Hospitals at Qatar Research Paper

Measuring performance of Hospitals at Qatar - Research Paper Example Two modes of analysis have been performed namely quantitative and qualitative. A total of 40 respondents have been selected to review the performance of hospitals. The overall performance of hospitals located at Qatar is fair according to the views of patients having different country origin. The service quality of these hospitals have been measured on 8 dimensions, therefore, there are many areas for improvement for these hospitals. The important recommendation includes that hospitals should hire expert medical staff that could better treat their patients and care for them. Medical staff is a critical factor in the success of hospitals as they provide the core services to its customers. Introduction Background of the Project The aim of the project is to review the performance of hospitals located at Qatar, and to measure its performance on the basis of 8 dimensions. ... arch Question Following are the research question which will be answered through the research conducted: Are patients satisfied with overall performance and services provided by hospitals? What is the impact of reputation of hospitals and medical staffs have on patients and their experience? Does the communication matter between patients and medical and non-medical staff and how is the statement true? Are patients getting value for their money? Research Design Methods for Analysis Qualitative The study will use thematic analysis to analyze responses of descriptive questions. The keywords that are considered for evaluation include price, customer service, staff, and location. The frequency of appearance of these keywords are presented in a tabular format indicating the ranking of keywords related to additional suggestions that respondents have made for further improving patient service. Quantitative The study examines each of 8 dimensions of patient service at hospitals in Qatar on th e basis of responses collected from individuals belonging to different origins which includes Qatari, Bahraini, Omani, Pakistani, and Indians etc. The study makes the use of cross tabulation to provide the number of responses and their types for each statement under different dimensions of assessments of patient service. In this way, grouping of responses has been possible on the basis of differences in respondents’ background and origin of their country. The results from this analysis have been attached in this report as ‘Appendix B’. Appendix A is the survey questionnaire. Logic for Data Collection Medium Questionnaires have been used as the data collection medium which is relatively quicker to gather information from respondents than the other modes of data collection. The data can

Monday, August 26, 2019

The case of Hauer vs. Union State Bank of Wautoma Research Paper

The case of Hauer vs. Union State Bank of Wautoma - Research Paper Example To change the entire Boiler 2. To repair the Boiler When the plumber had gone there to check for the boiler, he had informed his boss Barkley that the boiler needs to be replaced and not repaired. Let us analyse the facts to get a clearer understanding. â€Å"While inspecting the non-operating boiler at Chetum’s building, the plumber notices that the boiler is one that has been recalled by the manufacturer, Housewarm, because of a defect that does not allow all the carbon monoxide produced by the boiler to vent properly. This boiler was purchased by Chetum at a salvage yard and replaced another non-operating boiler. Further, the boiler has been improperly installed, according to the plumber. The plumber notifies Barkley of the problems with the boiler and Barkley immediately notifies Chetum. Chetum tells Barkley that he does not want to purchase a new boiler. He asks if the existing boiler can be fixed to get through the winter months. Barkley calls his plumber who is still a t the Chetum site and asks the plumber about a quick fix for the winter. The plumber tells Barkley he would not recommend the quick fix for the winter as this boiler is defective and has been recalled.† Looking at the facts, it can be directly inferred that the boiler which was in the building was defective and should have been replaced. However, to save costs and other expenditures, Chetum did not want that to happen and therefore asked for the boiler to be repaired. It is pertinent to note that the boiler which had been installed in the building was not only improperly installed but also was defective. Therefore there was an urgent need to replace the boiler, which was concurred by the plumber but not approved by Chetum. The question which arises right now is... The case of Hauer vs. Union State Bank of Wautoma One of the most fundamental principles of Contract Law is that an individual who is below the age of 18 cannot enter into contracts with other parties. This law also applies to situations which consist of an individual entering into contracts to represent a firm which has been established under law. Applying the law to the facts, we understand that Barkley was not eligible to enter into Contract with Chetum. Along with this, Barkley is not eligible to represent the firm of his father in his absence. Therefore, looking at the overall perspective of Contractual Obligations, Barkley could not have entered into a contract with any other party. In case a contract has been entered upon between a minor and some other party, then such contract happens to not be legally binding on the parties although the work of the contract may be carried out and performed by the parties. According to the facts taken hypothetically, Knarles was aware that his firm consisted of a number of plumbers whose lic enses had not been renewed in the current year, and in spite of that his firm had sent one of them to a client by the name of Chetum, to do the repair work. Looking at the facts of the case, it can be inferred that there was not material breach of fundamental breach of contract. On the contrary, there is a case of tortious negligence on the part of Chetum. Along with this, he entered into a contract with a minor. Keeping these two facts into account, there is no breach of contract.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Impact of Financial Crisis on Honda Research Paper

The Impact of Financial Crisis on Honda - Research Paper Example The descriptive method of research is adopted. Accordingly, Creswell (1994) stated that the descriptive method of research is to gather information about the present existing condition. The emphasis is on describing rather than on judging or interpreting. The aim of descriptive research is to verify formulated hypotheses that refer to the present situation in order to elucidate it. For this study, the descriptive research method was employed in order to identify the impact of competence and sustainability in the automotive industry of Honda. This study looks at the success that Honda Corporation has had in managing social capital in its supply chain. Using self-report surveys from 120 participants at a Honda-sponsored supplier competition, researchers find that those people who participate in the quality-teams report that they are more satisfied with their work, feel that they improved the effectiveness of their company, and continue to offer suggestions to improve their supplier's o perations. Resources that are valuable especially human resources, rare, and can be exploited by the organization can produce sustained competitive advantage and earn above-average economic performance (Barney, 2001). A lot has been written about the value of people in organizations. Huselid and Becker (1997) found that a one standard deviation improvement in an organization's human resources system could increase shareholder wealth by as much as $41,000 per employee. Barney (2001) contends that successfully managing relationships can be a source of resource-based competitive advantage. But the financial crisis has crept into the auto companies and many of the giants like Honda and Toyota are facing the crisis with severe cuts in production, sales etc. Honda declared its shock withdrawal from Formula One of the global financial crisis, terminating an association which began in the 1960s. This has led to raising further fears over the sport's future (Source: Honda Motor president Takeo Fukui made the announcement at an emotional press conference, repeatedly apologizing to fans, staff, drivers and F1 authorities. He said 2008 is Honda's last season. The Japanese carmaker will not provide its engines to any other teams (Source: "This is a complete withdrawal. The future is a blank sheet," he said. "Five years from now, I think history will show we made the right decision" (Source: Â  

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Formation and Evolution of Sony Ericsson Alliance Assignment - 2

The Formation and Evolution of Sony Ericsson Alliance - Assignment Example The merger was also approved by the European and other regulatory authorities. The new company, headquartered at London, UK, envisaged total employee strength at the time of merger at 4000 of which Ericsson brought 2500 and balance contributed from Sony. The mission statement of the new company is to become the communication entertainment brand enabling everyone in creating and participating in entertainment experiences. The new company’s product line includes Mobile phones and handheld multimedia communication products. As per the data provided by International Data Corp (IDC), Nokia controlled 30.8 percent market, Motorola at 14.6 percent and Ericsson at 10 percent of market share in mobile market at the time of the merger. Thus, Ericsson’s market share is way below market leader Nokia. In forging the alliance, Ericsson had the benefit of access to Sony’s Japanese market, and Sony’s consumer experience particularly in digital screens, and Memory stick. Sony had the benefit of access to Ericsson base stations and 3G infrastructures. Moreover, Sony had access to Ericsson handset core technology and entry to US market. Informing a joint venture, Sony had the benefit of sharing Ericsson’s international telecommunication experience and chance to fill missing link in form of satellite, gateway, and phones. On the other hand, Ericsson had access to Sony’s design and production processes and facilities in China. Sony’s financial strength was in benefit to Ericsson in the long run. Research and development costs could be shared between the partners in the current competitive arena. Ericsson was categorical in its financial report of 2001 that Ericsson will have a chance of augmenting supply chain strength from Sony’s proven and established supplier resource base.

Friday, August 23, 2019

DINING ROOM MANAGEMENT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

DINING ROOM MANAGEMENT - Assignment Example In the preparation of a concept theme of a restaurant involves several considerations (Ignacio 54). This paper will attempt to prepare a concept theme for a restaurant that does not avail quick service to its customers. This restaurant, however, avails all the other types of services. When establishing a restaurant business, it is essential to make a decision regarding the operational strategy. The owner should have a clear idea about the restaurant even before moving forward. The plans for the new restaurant will automatically be composed of the established type of service. The restaurant will possibly be within the fundamental categories of services such as fine dining, full-service restaurants, fat-casual restaurant, and casual restaurant. Unlike other restaurants, this restaurant will not include the quick service option. First, this restaurant will have the characteristics of full-service restaurants. These are the type of restaurants where there is an encapsulation of the idea of moving out to have a meal though that is old-fashioned. These types of restaurants will invite their guests to be seated around the tables while the attendants or servers take the full order of the guests and serve them the foods and the drinks (Huiskamp 489). This restaurant will typically have the establishments of fine dining and partly casual eateries. The employees will include hosts and hostesses, bartenders and servers. It is aimed that the restaurant gains the perceived value with beautiful and unique dà ©cor, special dishes, and renowned chefs. Being a full-service restaurant, it will also encompass casual dining. This will imply that the restaurant will be typically affordable and mostly meant to satisfy the needs of families. It will be offering a full-service table, but the food, service and dà ©cor will be less remarkable than the fine dining

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Hope by Emily Dickinson Essay Example for Free

Hope by Emily Dickinson Essay Can you imagine life with out hope? I think Emily Dickinson may have used hope a lot in her life and that’s why she wrote this wonderful poem, to inspire those without hope to give them a perspective from a beautiful bird that hope can change your life in any way you dream it. I choose to analyze the famous poem â€Å"hope† by Emily Dickinson, Such an interesting and mysterious poet she lived her entire life in Amherst, Massachusetts, only two of her poems where published in her life time, she died in 1886, she was never married and live most of her life as a recluse. In this poem Dickinson uses imagery and metaphors to describe, â€Å"hope is the thing with feathers.† Stanza One In the poem â€Å"hope† is the thing with feathers by Emily Dickinson, I love how Dickson compared the idea of hope as a bird or â€Å"feather† I think the feather symbolizes freedom as in with hope you can fly away and be free, it examines the ideas of hope as a free spirit. She uses an imaginary metaphor to describe why hope is the thing with feathers. In the first line she uses a bird to create a clear image of a free spirit, a bird flying freely reaching what ever it wants, by using hope as a bird this metaphor is saying if you have hope you can fly to where ever it is you dream of. By giving hope feathers it gives the reader an idea or illusion of hope flying freely. By hope having feathers it is like a free home, flying to a new place. In the second line that says â€Å"That perches in the soul† I believe she means the hope comes from the spirit, from very deep down in your heart. She is using another metaphor comparing a bird sitting on its perch, as our spirit is or where hope sits. In the third line where Dickinson speaks of singing a tune without words, that never stops at all, I see the song as being hope, that the bird is continuously singing its praise of hope even without knowing the words or the meaning of the song, giving us all hope that even if we don’t know the song or the words we too can sing a song of hope. Ending the first stanza with â€Å"and never stops at all† showing that this song is never ending and available to all, it never stops. Stanza Two â€Å"And sweetest in the gale is heard† tells of the birds song as the sweetest of all songs, â€Å"And sore must be the storm† showing that when we need hope the most, through the worst of life’s storms, we can still hear that sweet song of hope. In line seven Dickinson shows that without hope we could be crushed by the storm, again showing a metaphor. I believe it means that without hope you would be without wings, no way to soar above your conflicts or hope of escaping, without hope its like you have a broken wing and cannot fly anywhere. The antagonist of the poem is the one who could abash the little bird, taking away all hope, representing problems of the world the negativity, stress, financial, relationship difficulty’s of everyday life, being the hammer bearing down on us, causing pain and discomfort. In line eight that says â€Å"That kept so many warm† means that hope has brought people through a lot of things, through the cold and hurtful times. Hope is like a blanket in the winter you need it to stay warm without it you will freeze to death. Stanza Three By Dickinson saying â€Å"I’ve heard it in the chilliest lands† I see this as yet another reason to have hope and that hope is obtainable in even the â€Å"chilliest† of lands, continuing with â€Å"And on the strangest sea† that hope can reach any distance. As Dickinson ends her poem with â€Å"Yet, never, in extremity, it asked a crumb of me.† Dickinson shows us hope is free it doesn’t coast a thing, that it comes from within, not at a store or a mall, hope is what you make it, it dose not run away from you, its there when ever you need or want it, you don’t need money to use it, all you need is the right mind set then you can just take it out of your pocket and use it whenever you need it, its that simple. As you can see hope is the only thing you need, fear is the opposite. Hope doesn’t cost anything, all you need is a little faith and all your dreams will come true, hope is a free gift so why not use it every second of every day. Hope is used in even the saddest places to make them happier. The poorest person with hope is happier than the richest without hope. Some of the richest people used hope to get where they are now with just a little bit of faith and hope, that is all you will ever need in life, because it provides you with everything you will ever need. Hope exists for everyone; there is not one-person that can’t use hope. I use hope everyday and I’m extremely happy. If you have hope you can fly to your dreams in life, for example when we were all little someone asked us what we wanted to be when we grow up and no matter what that kid said he or she didn’t have a doubt in their mind that they were not going to be what they dreamed but as we get older we start to loose hope and focus more on â€Å"reality†. But the Dickinson shows us how to escape reality and dream a little. I think every one should use hope and read â€Å"hope† is the thing with feathers because it may cause you to see hope every day of your life and change your life forever.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Scams in India Essay Example for Free

Scams in India Essay Everything seems to be dank and dark today. Every political party is being exposed in corruption issues, some small, some large, some beyond comprehension. Inflation is rampant, IIP is down, GDP growth is shrinking, reforms seem to be in cold storage, the sovereign ratings of the country head south, the rupee is struggling, FDI inflows come down to a trickle. There is nothing to cheer about, it seems. Yes, there is, if you look hard enough. Take the case of former BMC chief Subodh Kumar and his attempt to take a post-retirement job with Essel group. Hindustan Times, in a news report, linked Kumar to an approval that was sought by the Essel group, using his discretionary powers. That was the end of that. The Subodh Kumar episode demonstrates that, in today’s environment, there is little that will escape scrutiny by media. It might be a small, insignificant episode, but it is a pointer of the state of the nation and the nation’s attitude towards corruption. There is no more ‘respect’ for the ‘sanctity’ of the office of the prime minister, as has been proven by the attempts to gherao his residence as if he were no different from the manager of a factory in West Bengal in the Left agitations in the 1970s. As far as media is concerned, there is no holy cow any more. News media, in all forms, does not hesitate to name wrongdoers and alleged wrongdoers, starting with the lowliest of government servants and rising to the office of the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister himself. It is only a CAG who can fearlessly interrogate the government. That is why the founding fathers of the Constitution have provided that the CAG cannot be removed and he has to be impeached in the same manner as a Supreme Court judge,† says former Solicitor General Gopal Subramaniam in The Hindu. Institutions of government, too, have no fear of politicians and those in positions of power. It is now normal and routine for the government (central and state) to be pulled up by the CAG, by courts at every level, by news media, by social activists and ‘RTI’ activists. There is no more ‘respect’ for the ‘sanctity’ of the office of the prime minister, as has been proven by the attempts to gherao his residence as if he were no different from the manager of a factory in West Bengal in the Left agitations in the 1970s. Each of these developments point to an India that will be forced to become more accountable and less corrupt. Attempts by some sections, such as the BJP, to jump on to the anti-corruption bandwagon and project themselves as an honest alternative to the Congress have come to naught, with both activists and the media bracketing the BJP with the Congress when it comes to corruption. Social media is playing a significant role as well, in amplifying the reach of the critics of the political classes. A constantly biased news media is close to impossibility – critics can reach millions of their followers in milliseconds, who in turn, spread the anti-establishment messages and debunk the official spin. No political party is safe. As far as the business community is concerned, the Adarsh scam, the 2G scam and Coalgate all send telling signals. Corrupting politicians and bureaucrats is no longer a guarantee for quick and easy licenses and profits. The scams are exposed with regularity, and we see, increasingly, ill-founded decisions being reversed – which reverses the fortunes of the corrupter. We’ve seen this is the Adarsh scam and the 2G scam – and we’ll doubtless see this in Coalgate. The frenetic pace of change, beginning with Anna Hazare’s fast in April 2011, has caught the political establishment off-guard. They’re unused to the intense and unrelenting scrutiny, in misdemeanors large and small. The last few months, beginning with Coalgate, have underlined that this is the new state of affairs. Wrongdoing will be caught, sooner or later. There is nothing and no one that is sacred and out of bounds. The toothpaste is out of the tube, and it cannot be put back. This heralds a new India. Even without the Lokpal, the corrupt (in the large cases of corruption) are being exposed and brought to book. More will be exposed and more will be caught. This means that we will see more of such headlines, more politicians exposed and more of the corrupters finding themselves tangled in the web. It’ll mean months of pain – perhaps even years of pain. But, in the end, we will see India becoming less corrupt and we will see politicians more accountable. It may seem dank and dark today, but the thought that, as a result of all that is happening today, we could see a brighter and more prosperous India, is a spectacular sliver lining.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Functions of Enzymes in Metabolic Reaction

Functions of Enzymes in Metabolic Reaction Enzymes have a fundamental role in all metabolic reaction that occurs in all living organisms. Enzymes are proteins which has the ability to bind to substrates and break substrate into products. In most cases, enzymes act as catalyst as they aid the reactants to come closer by using their active sites. In this essay I will be reviewing the structure and function of a serine protease known as subtilisin and I will analyze the different techniques used by different researchers to define the structure or functions of Subtilisin. Subtilisin is found in various forms such as Carlsberg and BNP. All three enzymes are from different origins, however they have similar primary structure although, their tertiary structures are completely different. Subtilisin BPN is an extracellular protease enzyme of a spore forming organism Bacullus Amyloliquelaniens. This enzyme contains a single peptide chain of amino acid containing 275 residues with no disulphide bridges or SH group. The subtilisin BNP contains 8 right handed ÃŽ ± helical segment these regions are (Alden et al, 1970). Many distortion has been observed due to the standard helix. The longest helix contains a number of residues such as Ala 223 to Histidine 238 which runs all the way from the top of the molecule thought the molecules and to the other end. The other 6 helical segments lie approximately parallel to the longest helix (Alden et al, 1970). Subtilisins are example of serine protease these are found in every organism that exists. There are several examples of serine protease enzyme and one of them is alpha-Chymotrypsin which is one of the known enzymes in the Trypsin family. The Trypsin and the subtilisin are believed to have evolved as they have similar mechanism of action even though they are not detectably related. Subtilisin is a bacterial protease, however Trypsin including ÃŽ ±-Chymotrypsin, Trypsin and Elastase re from mammalian origin. These are the known enzymes to have evolved convergent because they have similar active sites and catalytic mechanisms but has no similarities in terms of sequence or conformational homology. The two known types of subtilisin are BNP and Carlsberg; both have similar polypeptide chain, but there are segments on the chain where a number of residues has either been replaced or deleted. According to Emil (1966), BPN consist of peptide chain of 275 amino acids residues, however Carlsber g enzyme contains only 274 amino acid residues. As mentioned in this paper, the chain is only different by 83 residues which may lead to the question why they are different . Furthermore, the similarities and differences between BNP and Carlsberg suggest there have been deletions which have caused both of these enzymes to evolve in different ways. These enzymes are believed to be serine protease enzymes which means they all originate from the same source and due to evolution these enzyme has been converging away from each others path and both enzyme adapted in its environment in order to survive. This resulted subtilisin to be present in bacteria and ÃŽ ±-Chymotrypsin is found in the mammalian pancreas. This now brings us to the point that ÃŽ ±-Chymotrypsin and Subtilisins having the same catalytic mechanisms. This suggest that both Trypsin family and subtilisin family originates from source. Serine proteases are highly specific enzymes as they use His, Ser and Asp part of their active site. The main characteristic of a serine protease is that they have a unique Ser residue of exceptional reactivity that forms a covalent bond with some of the substrates or inhibitors (Creighton J). In both Trypsin and subtilisin shows many similarity and both contains the particularly highly reaction serine residue which can be specifically phosphorylated by other substrate such as isoprophylfluorophosphate (Alden and Wright, 1970), sulphonated and acylated using different enzymes. Further, research was carried out to find out the protonotic equilibria exhibited by both of these enzymes. The enzymatic similarity between the two different serine protease could be the involvement of a Histidine residue as it has been mentioned in most literature. Previous studies suggested that tertiary structure of ÃŽ ±-Chymotrypsin and subtilisin contains hydrogen bonding involvement in the Enzyme-substrate complex (Polgar and Bender, 1969). The Kcat for hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate by BPN depends on a group with a pK of 7.2, which presumably was Histidine (Alden and Wright, 1970). Studies were carried out to determine the structure of the enzymes by Neidhart et al (1988) and they successfully refined the structure of Carlsberg. The structure was refines at 2.5 Ã… resolution using X-ray crystallography. Wright et all (1969) found out that subtilisin BNP possesses the catalytic triad, arrangement of active site including Aspartate, Histidine, and serine residues characteristic of the Trypsin family. Further study carried out by Robertus et al (1972), demonstrated that the arrangement and characteristics of the active site is identical for both BPN and other member of the Trypsin family, which means the peptide around the active site were highly conserved. In contrast, the overall peptide chain folding of subtilisin BPN reassembles those in the Trypsin family. Thus the relationship between BPN and mammalian Trypsin family of enzymes have been classified as a case of convergent evolution (Robertus et all, 1972). The catalytic triad consist of the residue Asp 32 , His 64 and Ser 221. This supports the charge relay hypothesis and the catalytic triad is the most important part of the serine protease as it helps the enzymes to work effectively. Subtilisin also contains calcium binding loops which contains abut 75-81 residues which is identical in both type of subtilisin (Neidhart et al, 1988). Subtilisin and ÃŽ ± Chymotrypsin both are highly specific as they only bind to specific substrates. For example, proflovin is a good competitive inhibitor for ÃŽ ± Chymotrypsin is inefficient against subtilisin. And oppositely subtilisin has a good competitive inhibitor 4-(4aminophenylaze)-phenylarsonic acid, where as it doesnt interact with Chymotrypsin at all (Alden et al, 1970). Despite the Histidine residue in the active site, some specific inhibitors still bind to the active site by acylation of the Histidine of the Chymotrypsin; however they do not react with subtilisin. There are differences between subtilisin and Trypsin; subtilisin does not contain any disulphide bridges, but Chymotrypsin has five and Trypsin has 6 which suggest that trypsins are more cystine rich. So apart from the surrounding area of the serine 221 in subtilisin, these two classes have no resemblance from each other as far as the primary sequence is concern (Alden et al, 1970).

Interracial America :: Racial Relations, People of Color, Asians

Lakshmi Chaundhry is a senior editor of AlterNet, an independent, alternative online news magazine. He thinks that people of different races falling in love, is a â€Å"luxury we can’t afford.†(158) Meanwhile, Andrew Sullivan a contributing writer for New York Times Magazine and senior editor of the New Republic thinks that interracial marriages break barriers and make people happier which in turn makes them more successful. Sullivan thinks, â€Å"If the rate of inter-racial marriages increases, the next generation may well not identify as ‘black’ or ‘white’ at all.†(158) â€Å"To avoid frustration, self-loathing, and anger, people of color should be discouraged from entering interracial romantic relationships,† claims Chaundry.(158) Chaundry suggests that people should stay away from interracial relationships. One of his main reasons is because not everyone will have someone. He feels that everyone picks and chooses. Chaundry states that it’s a â€Å"racial hierarchy.† â€Å"Anglos squarely are at the top.†(159) The Anglos determine who is hot and who is not. One of his arguments is about Asians. â€Å"Asians just don’t cut the list,† states Chaundry. (159) There will be no women for the Asian guy. â€Å"’We’re at the bottom of the pile, right along with black women.’†(159) Even Hollywood shows this. â€Å"In ‘Shanghai Knights,’ actress Fann Wong is matched with Owen Wilson instead of Jackie Chan, who is conveniently cast as her brother.†(159) Hollywood is send ing the message that Asian men are not wanted. â€Å"No women for the Asian guy.†(159) This affects the life of people. Henry says, â€Å"’It means a lot of loneliness, a lot of Friday nights without a date.’†(159) Being lonely leads these men to have â€Å"’an obsession with pornography.’† (160) Not having anyone for them affects the lives of these Asian men. On the contrary, â€Å"Asian women have a better shot at getting some white booty.†(160) This is called a â€Å"cultural leverage.†(160). A cultural leverage is when one sex isn’t really accepted culturally but the other sex can get anyone they desire. The Asian woman has more sexual options. The Asian man is limited to very few choices. â€Å"The men in my community want the right to do the same.†(160) This is a problem that the Asian man faces according to Chaudhry and her resources. â€Å"I spent my teen years falling in and out of love with a number of seriously cute Indian boys.†(161) She grew up in Indian where she refers to it as â€Å"[having] harsher realities of race.†(161) When she moved back to America she was judged by a white person for her marriage.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Investigation Techniques Of A Homicide Essay -- essays research papers

Investigation Techniques of A Homicide   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The O. J. Simpson double murder trial is perhaps the most publicized case this decade. However, before the police can arrest Simpson and prosecute him, they must investigate. The investigation techniques LAPD used are used all over the world. CRIME SCENE   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Patrol officers received a disturbance call at Nicole Simpson's residence. They arrived on scene and discovered two bodies. They looked around to see if the suspect is anywhere around then they checked to determine the two subjects were dead. The officers immediately contacted the detectives on duty and supervisors and then secured the area to ensure no contamination to the scene. The officers' duties included making sure that no unauthorized people may enter the scene. They also have to protect all possible evidences left by the suspect.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the Simpson case, the officers did not do a very good job at securing the scene. They had allowed unauthorized officers the go through the scene, thus causing some contamination to the crime scene. This error had allowed the defense to attack the creditability of the police department. CAUSE AND TIME OF DEATH When the officers first arrived the scene, they saw two people lying in a pool of blood. The officers did not know if they were dead and if they were, how and when. After the medical examiner looked at the bodies and the wounds on the victims, he concluded that they were stabbed to death. The time of death was a bit harder to determine. Death caused some changes to the bodies. The investigator looked at the changes and was able to estimate a time of death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some of the changes the examiners look for are: lost of body temperature, rigor mortis, and postmortem lividity. The body temperature will start to decrease after death. The body will also start to stiffen after death, this is call rigor mortis. Rigor mortis usually starts to set in two to four hours after death. Time of death can be estimated by the stiffness of the body. Another way to estimate the time of death is postmortem lividity. When the body ceased to function, gravity pulls the blood down and settled at the lowest points of the body. Postmortem lividity may appear on the body between half hour to four hours after death. The determination of t... ...ered more evidences to link Simpson to the murders. All the testimonies showed that Simpson had actually planned the crime. He even had an alibi which was shaky. Simpson also had a history of spousal abuse. All the evidences pointed unfavorably toward O. J. Simpson. The elements of the crime the police needed were established and Simpson was formally Charged. DNA There were no fingerprints at the crime scene. However, there were some blood which belonged to neither victims'. Thanks to modern technology, scientists can detect differences in people's DNA. DNA is the genetic fingerprint of a person. The principal of DNA identification is the same as fingerprints, no two persons can have the same composition. During the Simpson trial, the admissibility of DNA evidence was highly debated. The O. J. Simpson trial had ended for a year now. O. J. was cleared of murdering his former wife and her friend. The police is still investigating this case. The LAPD made some mistakes which allowed the defense to attack the creditability of the police. This showed the importance of protecting the crime scene. Other than these mistakes, the LAPD conducted a almost text book perfect investigation. t

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

Where; where hR, hF are the normalized gray level histograms of xR and xF, respectively. The joint gray level histogram of xR and xF is denoted by hR,F, and L is the number of bins. xF and xR correspond to the fused and reference images, respectively. I(xR;xF) indicates how much information the fused image xF conveys about the reference xR. Thus, higher the mutual information between xF and xR, there are more chances that xF resembles the ideal xR. D. Entropy (EN);- Entropy can be used to measure the difference between two source images and the fused image. The entropy of an image is a measure of information content. Entropy is the average number of bits which have a need of quantize the intensities in the image. It is represented as follows : where p(g) is the probability of grey-level g , and the range of g is [0,.....,L-1].High information content of image would have high entropy. High entropy of fused image indicates that the it contains more information than the original image sources. V. PROPOSED SOFTWARE DESIGN Interactive software is developed to do the reliable monitoring and management of Fusion process. The system software is made using MATLAB .We are taking two images image A and image B after the process of Counterlet transform. We get one output fused image. VI.CONCLUSION With this we conclude that contourlet Transform can be used to fuse two dimensional images and represent them more efficiently, which makes the fused images more clear and more informative. Contourlet Transform overcomes the drawbacks of traditional Image Fusion schemes by using ALM. The Experimental results using this technique of IF show that it can preserve more useful information in the fused image with higher spatial ... ....7, pp . 372-377( 2009) 12) Yi Yang ,Chongzhao Han ,Xin Kang and Deqiang Han â€Å"An Overview on Pixel-Level I mage Fusion in Remote Sensing,† Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistic,vol 6, no .4, pp .2339- 2344 feb (2007) 13)image code,† IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 31, pp. 532–540, 1983. 14) R. H. Bamberger and M. J. T. Smith, â€Å"A filter bank for the directional decomposition of images: theory and design,† IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 882–893, 1992. 15) G. H. Qu, D. L. Zhang, and P. F. Yan, â€Å"Information measure for performance of image fusion,† Electronic Letters, vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 313–315, 2002. 16) H. Tian, Y.-N. Fu, and P.-G. Wang, â€Å"Image fusion algorithm based on regional variance and multi-wavelet bases,† in Proc. of 2nd Int. Conf. Future Computer and Communication, vol. 2, 2010, pp

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Clearing the Smoke with Education

Do you want to die? Do you want your children to experience early deaths? These questions run through my mind every time I witness people puffing away on their cigarettes. It genuinely hurts me to see parents smoking around their children. As if this isn†t enough to promote smoking among the young, there are a number of other elements that encourage them to smoke. As one writer explains, â€Å"They†ve learned from movies and advertising that smoking makes them more mature and sophisticated† (Chen 29). They would look anything but sophisticated lying in the morgue with family and friends hovering over, grieving. This case is closed! The cause of death is lung cancer at age 35. Also as another writer states, â€Å"Recently tobacco companies have found new ways to promote their products to youth. They support their sporting events and concerts, and even give them discounts on hip clothing† (Schwartz). We, the people, need to come up with a sensible solution on how to cut down on cigarette smoking amongst the young and old. There are many sensible solutions that could be tried. We could always pass a law stating complete prohibition of tobacco products, but as we look back at the 18th Amendment, prohibition of alcohol, that may not be such a wise choice. Some may say that prohibition should be passed on tobacco products because they are un-nutritional. That statement is a farce! This couldn†t be passed as a general rule because â€Å"†¦ there†s absolutely no nutritional reason for adding salt to food, or consuming beer, whiskey, butter, potato chips, and candy†¦ † (Williams 35). My view is if prohibition were to pass, that†s fine, but we should brace ourselves for a new generation for Al Capones. This is why it is time to take the initiative to educate our selves and the younger generation on the harmfulness of tobacco products. First of all, I think everyone has the common knowledge that â€Å"tobacco products are harmful†(Bowles 32). So why do people use them? The first puff of a cigarette is usually the result of curiosity or, perhaps, peer pressure when talking about a group of teenagers. I am challenging you to go out and ask as many regular smokers as you can if they read the Surgeon General warning on the back of a pack of cigarettes. I wish you luck in trying to find someone who will respond positively. So really people have no true knowledge about tobacco other than what is told to them. If people listen when they are told that tobacco products are harmful, maybe if we dig deeper and pull out specific consequences and real life stories, smokers would truly understand the danger they are in. As writer, Sally Chen states, the biggest danger would be â€Å"†¦ how hard it is to stop once you†ve started† (Chen 29). Chen also shares the thought that â€Å"[Tobacco is] an addictive drug that not only harms the user but everyone else through secondary smoke† (30). Also, because tobacco products are extremely un-nutritional, if we help to lower the amount of smokers, we will help to lower health care costs. This aspect of saving money is one that everyone would embrace! Perhaps if we educate people they will never start, hence avoiding the danger of addiction. Unfortunately, I will admit that there are hills to climb before we can start this education process. First, will people listen? Educating children wouldn†t be as difficult has educating adults. With children we could incorporate smoking education into their everyday schooling where they are forced to listen or they fail. I am proposing that there should be in depth information presented to the children about the consequences of smoking. For example, when I took a chemistry course, my instructor would preach on how careful you had to be when working with chemicals. He would use real life stories to explain what happens when we misuse the chemicals. A lot of the time I was terrified to use some of these chemicals for fear of getting burned or going blind. If we do the same when educating people about smoking, we may get somewhere in the fight to decrease the percentage of people who do smoke. We have to understand that we cannot make anyone listen, but if a child fails the course, it will be repeated until the child passes. When the child passes, it signifies that they know the information and, hopefully, that it sunk in. Some may argue that this â€Å"un-important† subject could take away from other school subjects. Let me ask you this, does learning about the human body in health class take away from other subjects. Or how about the learning of alcohol when taking a Safety Ed course? When you look at this objection as a whole, there are really no downsides to this option. However, it can be extremely beneficial. Sure, children need to pay attention to their English and Math courses, but will they be able to use them in the future if they are lying in a hospital bed with emphysema? I don†t think so. Incorporating smoking education into the everyday health classes is not a hazard, but rather a swift start to a smoke free America. However, with adults it may not be this easy. You cannot make adults come to school, as you can with children. Adults have to want to be educated in order to be educated. Newspaper advertisements are a good way to present the hazards of smoking. Catchy headlines and striking attention getters are a requirement if we want adults to read more than the first line. There could be advertisements posting dates and times on classes where you can go and learn about the effects of smoking. These classes are for people who want to quit, which is why newspaper articles are needed to make people think twice about smoking. Television commercials or, perhaps, infomercials are other alternatives to getting the public†s attention. Once people begin to understand what smoking is really about, if they are smart, they will want to quit. Another question that may arise is where are we going to get the money to fund these classes? Money isn†t a problem when smoking classes are being taught in the schools. Nothing changes in that sense. As for funding outside of school classes, such as those available to adults, there are some simple solutions to raising money. Getting support from larger anti-smoking organizations is always a plus and sometimes they will even provide donations to organizations that they find to be beneficial to people. Another way to raise money is through fundraisers. Setting up walk-a-thons and other health related events is always a good way to raise money, and it†s also a good way to make your organization well known. Putting taxes on cigarettes is not an option that should be forgotten. There are copious ways that these classes can be funded, so there is no ned for it to be made into a major issue. Education is a positive solution in preventing smoking among all age groups. If people are properly educated, the end result should be rewarding. As smoking decreases from generation to generation, the health of the American people will increase and life expectancies may rise also. Being human myself, I know that people will listen, as long as they are not forced to, for â€Å"†¦ mankind always struggles to be free† (Bowles 33). We need to approach this problem with gentleness, but with confidence that we can prevent the smoking problem from becoming bigger. The goal here is to help people enjoy long, healthy lives. Use your right to choose wisely, because you have the right to live!

Friday, August 16, 2019

Global Distribution of Food Products

Question 2 The production, ingestion and distribution of nutrient merchandises globally has been an issue with great importance. Though adequate nutrient is produced worldwide to feed all the people in the universe, about 1 billion people suffer from chronic hungriness in the present universe. One major important factor for this issue is considered to be hapless nutrient distribution. It is chiefly considered that nutrient distribution is fundamentally organizing the connexion between nutrient manufacturers and providers with consumers ; but it is besides every bit of import to place the allotment of nutrient globally. Some of the challenges with nutrient distribution is to place how the nutrient should be distributed globally, who has the authorization to specify the distribution and what schemes and methods to be used for distribution. The traditional method of nutrient distribution is straight selling nutrient and nutrient merchandises straight to the consumers. However, due to assorted inef ficiencies, most frequently nutrient merchandises are transported to a cardinal location from where the nutrient is so distributed to assorted other small towns and metropoliss. As mentioned earlier, assorted factors affect the execution of a robust nutrient distribution system. The deficiency of or inability for the consumers to hold entree to markets or besides the inability of consumers to afford the cost of nutrient is considered as another major factor for improper nutrient distribution. The deficiency of markets, unequal manner of transit handiness and the inability to afford the cost of nutrient production and ingestion are other primary factors. In the current nutrient distribution system, the figure of markets and the ability to entree these markets are limited. About 16 % of the rural population of the states do non hold the convenience to entree markets, doing the husbandmans to sell their harvest. In fact merely 40 % of all the harvest is marketed and one tierce of husbandmans merely sell their harvest to the markets. Transportation has a immense impact in nutrient distribution system in developing states. Access to high quality route or railroad s are limited and this creates hold and inefficiency in transporting goods to the cardinal market. Some of the transit paths are expensive and requires changeless care. Certain parts in rural Africa, South Asia and South East Asia have ill constructed and maintained roads, which sometimes creates a barrier to entree certain rural small towns and towns, making hold in transit of goods to those parts. Besides the type of transit varies from part to part. Therefore it is really of import to come up with solutions by critically analyzing the geographics of the part, their handiness to resources and the understanding the local degree of the part. Another major drawback is that nutrient merchandises are spoilables and their ingestion clip is limited ; which leads to a batch of nutrient merchandises being wasted globally. A batch of waste besides occurs during post-harvest and during transit. Food merchandises are affected by bacteriums, Fungis and insects, rendering the nutrient uneatable and contaminated for usage doing about 25-50 % of nutrient merchandises being wasted. When a part of nutrient merchandises gets wasted, it creates deficit, which straight impacts the monetary values of the nutrient merchandise. Though monetary value addition affects the consumers, there is no alteration in the monetary value for the husbandmans when they sell their harvest. This instability affects the income of the manufacturers increasing the opportunities of poorness and hungriness rates. The effectual manner to cover with this job is to decently hive away and pull off the nutrient produced. Proper storage methods will increase the life of nutrient merchandises ingestion period. The economic instability, where the consumers have to pay higher cost for the nutrient and husbandmans non acquiring a rise in their income, makes it unaffordable for the people to purchase nutrient in the markets. Many a times, husbandmans are non even able to pay off their investings. We have mentioned the assorted grounds for hapless nutrient distribution system. Introducing an Industrial and Systems Engineering methods and position can assist clearly analyse the assorted root causes and can assist in implementing a robust nutrient supply concatenation system pull offing a proper nutrient distribution logistics. By implementing a Systems Engineering attack, it would assist to develop an efficient logistic system, where â€Å"markets would get full reactivity, high quality merchandises and high dependability of supply in little clip Windowss at the lowest cost.† ( Vlajic, 2011 ) . It would extinguish non-value adding work and inculcate thin thought into its attack. The attack towards developing a nutrient supply concatenation is chiefly focused around merchandise quality and the demand for environmental sustainability. The quality of nutrient within the web should be controlled and guaranteed in order to keep the ironss public presentation. Product quality besides involves properties like safety and unity of the nutrient. In an article by Tromp and Van der Vorst, they discuss â€Å"in the context of nutrient supply chains the sustainability treatment focuses on the decrease of merchandise waste, i.e. merchandises that have to be thrown off because the quality is non suited any more, figure of stat mis a merchandise has travelled before it reaches the consumers’ home base ( so called ‘food miles’ ) , and all nursery gas emanations related to the concern processes in the supply concatenation web ( so called ‘carbon footprint’ ) .† ( Tromp and Van der Varst, 2008 ) . Therefore while developing a nutrient supply concatenation, one should non merely concentrate on bettering the logistics public presentation but besides in nutrient quality saving and environmental sustainability. Food merchandises are by big affected by environmental conditions. Factors such as humidness, temperature and presence of c ontaminations affect the nutrient quality and these factors has to be checked and controlled while packaging, lading and availing temperature controlled transit agencies and warehouses. Introducing clip temperature index ( TTI ) in analysing the quality of nutrient merchandise will let to find the degree of merchandise impairment at any phase of the nutrient distribution system. TTI allows to find the shelf life of the merchandise and because of which the sum of rejected or waste merchandises can be reduced. TTI based direction system promotes least shelf life foremost out ( LSFO ) system, where the merchandises with closest termination day of the month are given off to the markets foremost. Many of such methods to cut down waste can be implemented when a Systems Engineering position is introduced into nutrient distribution logistics. It is critical to hold an integrated attack towards logistics, sustainability and merchandise quality while carry oning analysis on nutrient supply co ncatenation. This would let to do better determinations than when taking merely individual facet at a clip. Some of the procedure and merchandise features which impact the designing of nutrient supply concatenation web are ;Seasonality in production which enhances the opportunities of planetary sourcing of production.Variability in procedure outputs chiefly in quality and measure which is affected by the biological fluctuations of the part, random factors like plagues, temperature, conditions and other biological jeopardies.Having different quality restraints for natural stuffs, intermediates and finished merchandises and quality decay when the merchandises pass through the supply concatenation, heightening the opportunities of stock-outs and merchandise impairment when the merchandise has passed the termination day of the month and/or the quality of the merchandise has declined.Need for conditioned storage and transit, increasing cost of production, transit, storage and ingestion.D ue to these specific features of nutrient merchandises, it is of import to hold an Industrial and Systems technology attack to develop an efficient nutrient supply concatenation web. It is indispensable that work takes topographic point in the right order and at the right clip. Industrial applied scientists help to obtain supply of natural stuffs in the right volume, quality, clip and topographic point. Organize the timing of supply of goods and to understand that the merchandises are subjected to quality decay as they travel through the supply concatenation, analysing the grade and velocity of decay influenced by environmental conditions. An industrial applied scientists attack is critical when it comes to redesigning supply concatenation schemes and procedures. Some of the functions and features of an industrial technology position include ;Redesigning the functions and procedures in the supply concatenation like cut downing the figure of parties involved, extinguishing the non-va lue adding activities and pull offing stock list control.Reducing the lead times by implementing IT systems for better information exchange and determination support system. Use of systems like RFID can let better direction of resources and obtain fabrication flexibleness.Transparency of information is critical between the assorted providers, stock list and work in procedure merchandises and to standardise the cryptography of merchandises to better understand and smooth flow within the supply concatenation. A batch of disparities and confusions can be negated by proper information exchange.Synchronize consumer demand with logistical procedures.A batch of logistical determinations and coordination in supply concatenation can be achieved by seting the batch sizes, consolidating the nutrient flow, cut downing human intercessions and implementing merchandise standardisation.Introducing technological intercessions to assist better the communicating of merchandise when it travels down the supply concatenation has been really fruitful in the recent old ages. The usage of RFID ( Radio Frequency Identifiers ) has led to better safety of nutrient merchandises and besides let efficient handling of natural stuffs and finished merchandises and to rush up the fabrication processes. RFID allows to place objects from a distance without holding to be in a line of sight. RFID ticket besides allows to garner and convey other information like the inside informations of the merchandise and maker and can besides convey mensural environmental factors like temperature and humidness. Some of the possible utilizations of RFID engineering in nutrient industry include ;RFID tickets could be used to track nutrient merchandises during storage and distribution.Multiple RFID tickets can be used to ease machine-controlled merchandise cargos from warehouses to a retail location.Freshtime RFID tickets can assist to supervise the shelf life of the merchandise to which it is tagged. The tags sens e temperature and humidness and the engineering is incorporated to find the shelf life of the merchandise depending on the temperature and humidness monitored.A new RFID based engineering is now being used which combines tracking and temperature measuring specially to guarantee nutrients such as meat, fruit and dairy merchandises are maintained at safe temperature during transit and storage. This engineering is presently being used to transport vinos, seafood, meat, domestic fowl and pharmaceuticals.Therefore the usage of RFID can be really helpful in the distribution and keeping the quality of nutrient merchandises. Elimination of wastes and the demand to eliminate hungriness and poorness is of national importance. Even a slightest of betterment or the ability to supply nutrient for the hungry can be game modifier when it comes nutrient distribution. Understanding the function of an industrial technology and how the techniques of these constructs can assist increase the efficiency of the whole nutrient production and distribution system. Mentions:â€Å"Inadequate Food Distribution Systems† , Mission 2014: Feeding the World, hypertext transfer protocol: //, Accessed September 2014.Vlajic, J. V. , Van Der Varst, J.G.A.J. and Haijema, R. , â€Å"A model for planing robust nutrient supply chains† , International Journal Production Economics, 2012, Vol. 137, n.d. , p. 176-189.Van der Varst, J.G.A.J. , Tromp, S. and Van der Zee, D. , â€Å"Simulation patterning for nutrient supply concatenation redesign ; integrated determination doing on merchandise quality, sustainability and logistics† , International Journal of Production Research, 2009, Vol. 47, No. 23, p. 6611-6631.â€Å"Bar Coding and RFID Enable Food Supply Chain Traceability and Safety† , A Zebra Technologies White Paper, hypertext transfer protocol: //, Accessed September 2014.â⠂¬Å"RFID engineering may assist in maintaining nutrients safe† , Inventory Management Reliable Plant, hypertext transfer protocol: //, Accessed September 2014.Wognum, P.M. , Bremmers, H. , Trienekens, J.H. , â€Å"Systems for sustainability and transparence of nutrient supply ironss – Current position and challenges† , Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2011, Vol. 25, n.d. , p. 65-76.Scipioni, A. , Saccarola, G. and Centazzo, A. , â€Å"FMEA methodological analysis design, execution and integrating with HACCP system in a nutrient company† , Food Control, 2002, Vol. 13, n.d. , p. 495-501.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Medical Technology in Today’s Society Essay

Medical technology in today’s society is often seen as a treatment or cure for human health issues. The term medical technology refers to the diagnostic or therapeutic application of science to improve the management of health. Unfortunately, the negative impacts of this technology are often left unexposed to the public until too late. Medicine, such as drugs, is often perceived to be of benefit to humans as it is used to cure various diseases. On the other hand, medicine can also be highly damaging. Using medicine incorrectly; consuming it in small dosages, in excess, or using it abusively; can be injurious to peoples’ health. Modern medical technology can also be damaging for human well-being but this effect is not restricted to health. Throughout time people have become increasingly reliant on modern medicine. This is especially so in today’s modern society. Medical intervention by use of technology has been able to help prolong many lives. An example of this is those who suffer from asthma. These sufferers may use air purifiers and/or nebulizers along with prescribed medication to help them live more comfortable and longer lives. It can be deemed a miracle that we are able to help so many people overcome their illnesses with medical technology. The current technologies available are able to do incredible things but people must be constantly aware of other modern technologies that can interfere and put the patient at risk. An example of this is the pacemaker which has the ability to save a person’s life and ultimately extend it. However, external factors can interfere with medical technology and ultimately put the patient at risk. For example, radiation from everyday items such as microwaves to wireless devices such as mobile phones can affect the operation of the pace maker. Thus medical technology has a negative impact on the user of this device as it places environmental limitations on where he or she can go. Users of such a device therefore need to be continuously wary of their environment. In addition, the implementation of a pace maker prevents users from undertaking MRI scans as the process interferes with the function of the device. This is a prime example of medicine acting against itself, All medical technology needs to be treated and used with caution. Respirators need to be constant monitored and the same applies for the simplest drips. Hospitals nowadays are equipped with technology that requires the operating knowledge of hospital staff and medical professionals. The medical technology that is used in hospitals needs to be carefully monitored. Misuse could lead to an accident that has the possibility to cause a long term negative effect for the patient. It is due to the above reason that today, proficient clinical settings require the consistent expertise of all medical staff in relation to the operation of medical technology. Medical technology was invented for our health and well being. However there is always the risk of unforeseen consequences. An example of this is LASIK (Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis) eye surgery, an operation where a patient has his or her vision corrected. Eyesight clinics advertised that the operation would improve a person’s vision and give freedom to those who did not like wearing glasses or contacts all the time. Before user a laser to correct the vision the operation required the practitioner to cut open the patient’s corner. During the trial stages of the operation, this procedure led to several unsuccessful results where the patients suffered from extremely dry eyes, milky vision and poorer eyesight than prior to the operation. Other disastrous results included foggy visions, starbursts around lights and double vision. These after effects negatively impacted the lives of the patients greatly as they now had worse vision than prior to the operation. However, it is thanks to researchers that the medical technology in this field has advanced to a level where the risks are now minimal. These professionals are currently working on a new method of corrective eye surgery where it will not be necessary to cut open the cornea before lasik surgery is used. There will be even less of a chance that things will go wrong if the answer to this problem is found. The Gamma Ray, used to eliminate cancerous cells around the brain without the use of open surgery, is another example where medical technology could have negative effects. Its intention was to cure people with cancerous cells in places of high risk or in places that could not be safely accessed by open surgery. The risk lies in the calculation of the amount of radiation that is directed at the cancer. If there is a miscalculation the laser may destroy the cancer and other cells around it, leading to brain damage. From these two examples one can see that there is a limit to how medical technology can be used. Drugs created by medical technology are intended to help humans recover from their illness or improve their condition, however they are harmful if taken in small dosages, in excess or if used in the wrong way. For example if more that 400mg of vitamin E if is taken a day it will act as a blood thinner. Large doses of vitamin A causes heart problems. An overdose of cold and fly medications can lead to liver failure. Medicine, such as antibiotics are often perceived to be of benefit to humans as it is commonly used to treat bacterial infectious diseases. On the other hand, antibiotics can have unpleasant consequences if taken in dosages that do not completely eradicate the pathogen, thereby contributing to resistance. Antibiotics can also be used abusively when physicians prescribe the drug unnecessarily or if patients become complacent and do not adhere to the necessary antibiotic therapy. From these examples it is easy to see that medicines can cause adverse effects if taken in excess, small dosages or if used in the wrong way. Lack of funding for medical technology can cause negative effects on the genetic fitness of populations. It can bring about misleading information to the creation of a cure. As new diseases are constantly emerging, doctors, scientists and researchers need to know as much information about the sickness before they can find a cure. They need to know specific information such as the lifespan of the offending pathogen, if the disease is a virus, the exact signs and symptoms and the genetic make up before they can start research on the cure. However, lack of funds means that research projects may be delayed or even stopped before a cure is found. Researchers need the money so that they will have access to proper equipment and resources. Without it, they may not be able to conclude a research project that has the potential to find information that will lead to a cure. A major issue in medical technology is regulation. Ethical considerations need to be recognised and evaluated before research can continue. Also the lack of funding also means that cures cannot be tested thoroughly. All cures, whether they are over the counter drugs or prescription medications to medical technology (electronic thermometers), need to be thoroughly tested before they can be passed onto the market or used safely by professionals. In addition, the testing regimes may incur societal backlash due to experimentation on animals. As a result, lack of funds can prevent cures from being formed and this negatively impacts the public. Medical technology is very important for those with diseases and those who are ill or injured. For people with asthma a breathing machine may be essential for life, without it breathing may become difficult and even dangerous. Medical technology can add years to our lives and can make life better. It enables us to live past the normal expectancy of life. Technology has so many benefits. Without it we would not be able to travel, contact others around the world, entertain, or educate as well as we do. Medical technology is perhaps the most important technology of all.

“Low Income” Housing Typology in Vietnam

‘LOW-INCOME’ HOUSING TYPOLOGY IN VIETNAM: A PROPOSAL OF AFFORDABLE CLIMATE ADAPTIVE DESIGN FOR PROTOTYPE APARTMENT IN HO CHI MINH CITY In Vietnam, one of the fastest turning developing states, its first and biggest mega-urban part – Ho Chi Minh City ( HCMC ) – has been most affected by the quickly transitional procedure. The vulnerable urban development has been enduring due to the neglect to cultural suitableness, populating environment and quality, particularly in the ‘low-cost’ lodging sector. Furthermore, the economic crisis, which has been traveling on in recent old ages, has led to a strong demand peculiarly for a sustainable scheme to develop urban lodging for ‘low-income’ dwellers. Despite the monolithic demand of the market, the first low-cost flats introduced in Vietnam have been offering truly hapless life quality. Therefore, these bad merchandises create a common apprehension that ‘low-cost’ agencies ‘low-quality’ . This topical issue has been discussed widely for old ages ; so far there have been merely some general schemes put frontward without any elaborate counsel or solutions and equal illustrations of real-life application. This paper offers an low-cost climate-adaptive design for paradigm flat in HCMC which aims to offer practical solutions within the architecture facet to undertake the above mentioned issue. The proposal consists of accommodating common lodging architecture to modern urban compact flats to make new comfy and convenient life infinites while still exudating Vietnamese traditional place feeling. RESEARCH TOPIC â€Å"Viet Nam is one of the most vulnerable states in the universe to climate alteration despite being one of the least responsible for nursery gas emanations. This is peculiarly distressing, as Viet Nam has enjoyed one of the best development records in recent old ages of any state in the world.†( Oxfam 2008, 3 ) Meanwhile, HCMC has been identified globally as one of the 10 metropoliss most likely to be badly affected by clime alteration. It has been ranked 5th by population exposed to the effects of clime alteration by 2070 ( IPCC 2007 ) . Furthermore, HCMC was recognized as the 28th most populated metropolis in the universe with over 8 million people by 2013 and could make to 12 million by 2025 ( Moens 2013 ) , clearly reflecting the high force per unit area on lodging sector. Over the past decennary, the building industry has been developing quickly in size alternatively of quality, particularly in footings of ‘low-cost’ lodging due to the low economic returns of such undertakings. Unlike the new residential developments for in-between and high-income categories, the recent few ‘low-income’ lodging undertakings are largely erected spontaneously with hapless proficient substructure and conveyance connexions, ensuing in unstable life conditions for the dwellers and environmental jobs for the metropolis ( Waibel 2007 ) . This will be even more serious as Vietnam urban countries still need over 3 million more of ‘low-cost’ lodging, including about 200.000 merely for HCMC ( MOC 2013 ) . For the last five old ages, this emergent issue has been discussed locally. It was discovered that a Numberss of solution demand to be addressed and sustainable architecture design is one of the cardinal component. The construct of sustainable architecture is comparatively new in Vietnam ; nevertheless, taking a expression back to Vietnam’s common lodging under the facet of architecture covering with hash natural conditions by environmentally friendly manner, it can be considered as a theoretical account for climate-adaptive architecture design. Vietnamese ascendants, who were born and raised in warm and humid clime, had a batch of experience in constructing traditional houses in order to accommodate to the natural and economic conditions, particularly Vietnamese civilization ( Waibel 2012 ) . Unfortunately, the advantages of common lodging are lost during rapid urban processing and being replaced by glass modern architecture without consideration of the local environment and the micro-climate of both inside and outside the edifices. â€Å"While traditional edifices can frequently non fulfill today’s comfort demands wholly, they provide, if operated right, acceptable comfort conditions with a low energy demand. Therefore modern sustainable edifices should incorporate traditional constructs and accommodate them into modern signifiers. However edifices presently constructed in Vietnam rarely enable such inactive energy salvaging potentials.† ( Waibel 2012, 15 ) Since ‘green architecture’ is rather a new construct to Vietnam, some recent edifices have been designed and labelled ‘green buildings’ despite the fact that their designs include merely of striking frontages and some verdure. In overview, sustainable architecture in Vietnam is merely a inactive short-run reaction to the topical tendency of ‘global clime change’ , alternatively of a sustainable long-run solution. To all extends, it is critical to deeply see the climatic design adaptation of new residential developments in order to guarantee a better life quality for Vietnam dwellers. This paper will concentrate on utilizing modern engineering but using selective constructs of common architecture adapted to the natural clime conditions within allowance budget peculiarly for low-cost flats. Particularly, this proposal emphasizes the usage of of course airing, sun shading, and sustainable edifice design with the kernel of Vietnamese civilization wh ich can be seen in both private inside infinites and communal exterior infinites. LITERATURE REVIEW In recent old ages, clime alteration and its major effects to the urban countries have been widely concerned all around the universe, HCMC is non an exclusion. Detecting the importance of this concern, HCMC has actively organised a figure of professional research workshops and conferences where many international every bit good as national specializers and designers have worked on a broad scope of issues and solutions. These are a few recent successful conferences and workshops:Vietnam Climate Adaptation Partnership. ( Vietnam – Nederlands )Future Mega Cities: HCMC undertaking. ( Vietnam – Germany )Key Challenges in the Procedure of Urbanization in HCMC ( Vietnam – USA )Connecting Delta Cities on version to climate alteration: Rotterdam, New York, Jakarta, London, New Orleans, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and HCMC.HCMC Adaptation to Climate Change ( Asian Development Bank in coaction with the HCMC Peoples Committee and DONRE )International conferences on Green Housing in Vi etnam.In general, the result of these researches defines the overall wide issues faced by the current lodging development and offers certain all-around schemes chiefly in the societal, economic and urban facets of development. However, such researches happen while edifice undertakings are being carried out, therefore their utility and application are instead limited. Nonetheless there are exclusions, for case, the Handbook for Green Housing – one of chief publications of Future Mega Cities HCMC Project – is practical and extremely recommended for presently townhouse’s stakeholders. Harmonizing to Waibel, the Handbook for Green Housing is a touchable end product presenting a comprehensive set of rules and steps by agencies of an easy to understand format. It besides introduced options that use the potency of Sun and air current to restrict natural disadvantages ; and targeted the new consumers of Vietnam, the quickly rising urban in-between category population, p resently in the procedure of raising new edifices or restituting their houses. ( Waibel, 2011 ) This type of practical enchiridions meets the emergent demand of the running market. While the current enchiridions are focused on town house, this paper targets low-cost flats, which are one of the two chief lodging typologies within HCMC urban development. On the other manus, the concluding proceedings of the conference on Green Housing in Vietnam between Tradition and Modernity raised many valid points to architecture community sing the losing function of traditional tropical architecture in Vietnam current and future lodging developments. â€Å"In Vietnam, the possible to advance climate-adapted architecture and energy efficient edifice is far from being exhausted. Due to the tropical clime a peculiarly big sum of energy for chilling and dehumidification is needed here. The economic roar has allowed building to turn tremendously. For the first clip, wide center categories have emerged. They are the most of import decision-makers in the building of new residential edifices and are therefore a cardinal group for greater sustainability. In this context the ‘rediscovery ‘ of traditional tropical architecture, which is based on natural airing, represents an of import opportunity.† ( Waibel 2012, 3 ) Furthermore, taking a expression back to some old single and smaller graduated table researches, it can finish and lend to the overall image. One of the first noteworthy publications on â€Å"Housing for Low-income Groups in Ho Chi Minh City between Re-Integration and Fragmentation – Approachs to Adequate Urban Typologies and Spatial Strategiesâ€Å" was published on ASIEN – The German Journal on Contemporary Asia in 2007. It has been clearly stated by Waibel – one of the cardinal international research workers in Vietnam for this field – that lodging units have to be constructed in a manner that ‘low-income’ people can afford them, to accomplish that, there is a demand for much better cooperation and schemes for the political, societal and economic feasibleness of the construct ( Waibel 2007 ) . Later on, ICEM – the International Centre for Environmental Management – conducted â€Å"TheHCMC Adaptation to Climate Change Studyà ¢â‚¬ which was commissioned by the Asian Development Bank ( ADB ) in coaction with the HCMC Peoples Committee.This is one of the really first officially funded surveies demoing HCMC’s attempts in the practical climate-adaptive architecture facet. â€Å"The survey was conducted between February 2008 and July 2009. Of necessity it was a rapid appraisal undertaken within the context of the reproduction potency for local authoritiess, the handiness and handiness of local information and the demand for simple and practical responses which can be readily integrated with local development planning rhythms and processes.† ( ICEM 2009, 9 ) In add-on, late, there are some notable PhD thesises by Vietnamese research workers which worked on many different facet of sustainable lodging in Vietnam. So far, there are two distinguished thesises, which can be considered as the elucidation to the valuable connexion between common lodging architecture and modern-day climate-adaptive lodging design. First, Nguyen submitted his thesis on â€Å"Sustainable lodging in Vietnam: Climate antiphonal design schemes to optimise thermic comfort† in 2013. The purpose of his thesis is to develop design schemes toward comfy, energy-efficient lodging with a low budget based on surveies on Vietnam traditional lodging architecture. â€Å"A survey on slang and traditional lodging in Vietnam will complement the socio-cultural facet of this research and a life-cycle cost optimisation will supply schemes towards low-cost – comfy lodging in Vietnam.† ( Nguyen 2013, 5 ) There are a figure of high results from this thesis, nevertheless, the rules developed can merely be applied in theoretical researches by professionals and it seems impractical for public usage. Second, besides within 2013, another noteworthy thesis was published by Le on â€Å"Housing development state of affairs and climate-adapted design solutions for Hue City† which was extremely practical and easy apprehensible for common readers. The research proposed some peculiarly pressure and pressing solutions of extenuation and version to climate alteration. It adds specialised cognition for professional interior decorators in sustainable architecture, clime responsive, and low cost lodging. â€Å"From this research, the edifice schemes bring out sustainable life environment with the adaptative clime solutions. The schemes develop base on the local clime, local stuff, and traditional building methods and some scientific attacks. This survey will be the apparent for many solutions which use the advantage of local clime to cut down the cost of energy and back up a comfort life for inhabitants.† ( Le 2013, 1 ) Despite such positive properties, this survey has some limited points, such as the chief survey points of edifice development are located in Hue City, therefore holding somewhat different clime to HCMC. Furthermore, Hue City is merely an average-scale metropolis in cardinal Vietnam which is enormously different from HCMC in about every other facet. By and large, there are a huge spread in the degrees of researches from designers and professionals for such a topical issue of climate-adaptive design for HCMC lodging. However, the chief failing of those surveies mentioned above is their failure to turn to the practical solution peculiarly for a well design low-cost flat adapted to the local clime of HCMC, which should besides be easy shareable with common dwellers as a paradigm for farther developments. Hence, this design proposal will non merely concentrate on modern building engineering but besides aiming on Vietnamese civilization facets. RESEARCH QUESTIONS Throughout some initial researches mentioned above on lodging for ‘low-income’ dwellers in such a mega metropolis like HCMC, it clearly shows that the success of lodging undertakings for ‘low-income’ groups is chiefly dependent on sustainable architecture, peculiarly climatic design version ( Waibel 2007, 76 ) . The cardinal inquiry demand to be figured out is: What is the cardinal of climate-adaptive architecture design to make quality-living ‘low-cost’ flats in HCMC? Based on old surveies of Nguyen and Le on clime antiphonal design schemes of common lodging in Vietnam, there are two low-level inquiries in order to reply the chief inquiry:To what widen can the values of common architecture apply for modern flat undertakings in term of ‘low-cost’ climatic design solution?Can a ‘low-cost’ flat afford to hold the sense of Vietnam civilization?RESEARCH METHODS Those above mentioned inquiries could be answered through a series of surveies on four key Fieldss including:Contemporary climate-adaptive design techniques, particularly seting attending on ‘low-cost’ solutions.Climate antiphonal design technique of Vietnam common lodging architecture, farther sing civilization heritage features.Current common position of low-cost flats in HCMC.Good samples of low-cost lodging in other states, peculiarly developing states with the similar conditions.The results achieved should be adapted to the context of HCMC through effectual clime antiphonal design solutions and flexible combination of assorted design parametric quantities. The consistent solutions should run into the demands for a sustainable development. The more elaborate proposal workflow will follow as:Understanding the natural clime status of HCMC by utilizing both personal experiences as local dweller and computing machine truth clime analysis tools.Choosing and proving suited climatic design solutions by utilizing scale theoretical accounts and modern stimulate computing machine package.Detecting alone and applicable values of common lodging architecture utilizing archives and old surveies on traditional architecture.Identifying the strengths and failings of the current flat design in HCMC through site visits and direct speedy interviews with bing users. ( Currently under consideration as may hold issues with finance for travel to Vietnam and back )Researching the quality of presently in-use low-cost flats and choosing the noteworthy and applicable design solutions.Choosing a suited up-coming low-cost flat which have good location and already had full design proposal.Proposing a complete new design proposal based on old surveies.Making a comparing tabular array between two proposals including a series of design elements, advantages and disadvantages of both design. Concentrating on sustainable elements such as thermic comfort, natural airing, illuming, community, maximising utilizing infinites, etc, by utilizing computing machine stimulate package such as Autodesk Ecotech 2011and Climate Consultant 5.1. Further analyze utilizing architectural 3D mold package ( Autodesk CAD, 3Ds Max, Google SketchUp ) and proving straight on physical graduated table theoretical accounts.Comparing with at least two more similar undertakings.Listing the cardinal attacks and fundamental of the concluding design proposal.It is expected as a design based thesis so the research and computing machine analytical attacks should come along with the originative design facets in order to offer an aesthetic, comfy, low-cost, energy witting, quality life environment. Decision â€Å"If lodging conditions are unequal, it might be concluded that this is because some families are unable to demand lodging of an acceptable standard.† ( Michael 2000, 2 ) This statement points out a major job of all the mega-urban parts all over the universe, particularly developing states among which Vietnam and more peculiarly HCMC is typical. The metropolis has been enduring the rapid addition of economic and urban development without a sustainable elaborate scheme, taking to hapless life quality in about all residential developments, peculiarly in low-cost lodging sector. With the current planetary clime issues, the challenge of version to climate alteration is inevitable to urban planning and direction of the metropolis. These aggressive clime issues are critical in urban planning every bit good as edifice design, taking to the demand to better the degree of energy efficiency and version to climate. Thus, in recent old ages HCMC has shown strong finding on raising both measure and quality of ‘low-income’ lodging sector. This is reflected on a immense figure of published stuffs from international specializer corporations every bit goo d as single research workers undertaking this topical issue. However, so far, published researches are chiefly focused on the urban facets and town house typology, but have yet offered any practical solution and elaborate illustration for ‘low-cost’ flats. This paper aims to advance a climatic adaptative design paradigm of low-cost lodging for ‘low-income’ occupants in HCMC, in bend lending to the betterment of life quality and sustainability of development. Furthermore, it is expected that the consequences of this thesis can be easy refined and combined in to a practical enchiridion which can be applied widely non merely for constructing interior decorators but besides common dwellers. Last, the traditional lodging architecture takes a critical function in this research procedure in order to offer a modern design consistent with and representative of the Vietnamese civilization heritage. As many other states, common lodging in Vietnam has illustrated valuable illustrations of the harmoniousness between the nature and manmade constructions. ( Nguyen 2013, 20 ) 1